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From a premature and fatherless birth to becoming a renowned mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton undoubtedly defied the odds that were stacked against him. Born in 1642 to a poor farming family, his weak and sickly nature made it unlikely for him to survive infancy. Yet, he not only survived but also thrived as a professor of Mathematics. When most young adults are focused on building their careers or settling down with a family, Isaac Newton was already thinking beyond those expectations. As early as twelve years old, he had an unwavering passion for changing the landscape of mathematics and science for generations to come. This dedication drove him to push past boundaries that once seemed impenetrable; Not just for himself but also to impact countless lives around the world.
Life dealt a difficult hand for young Isaac Newton as financial hardship pushed him out of the Kings School in Grantham early on. But this obstacle wasn't enough to quash his intellectual ambitions or desire for something more fulfilling than farm work; with the guidance and encouragement of close relatives and instructors he returned to complete his education just one year later. What made Isaac Newton stand out from others was that he never settled for mediocrity; instead, he pursued knowledge relentlessly. He understood that expanding on one's learning goes beyond simply studying what's offered in class - which ultimately led him to become one of history's greatest minds. It comes at no surprise that he has been known locally and globally even after centuries have passed as “The genius of all time”. Without a doubt, some of Newton’s most significant contributions include groundbreaking work on gravity laws, binomial theorem in mathematics and equations describing motion. At an impressively young age of just twenty-three, Isaac Newton achieved academic excellence by obtaining his degree back in the year of our lord sixteen sixty-five. Four years down the line from that accomplishment, he took over as a professor of mathematics at the youthful age of twenty-seven before passing away many years later in seventeen twenty-seven. Regardless, one thing remains evident - his prominence within math and science make him unforgettable even now.

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